"Pokémon Detective Pikachu" movie review: Watch it or skip it?
The movie starts off with instant action and comedy. It is hard to believe that this movie is only rated PG. Ryan Reynolds knocked it out of the park as the voice of Pikachu. It had comedy almost every second of the movie. Not only was there plenty of verbal comedy, but there was also a ton of great physical comedy too. You can thank the funny looking Pokémon for that.
The film didn’t have an extremely deep story, but at the same time it didn’t feel like it needed one. They make up for the lack of story with great settings, think night time Tokyo neon lights, stunning special effects, and great feelings of nostalgia if you grew up watching, playing, or trading Pokémon. This movie is witty enough to be great for adults, yet tame enough to let your kids enjoy it with you. There wasn’t one person in the theater who wasn’t laughing.
So, should you watch it or skip it? If you grew up with Pokémon or just want to take the kid’s out this weekend, watch it! It blew my expectations out of the water, and for that I give this movie a solid 8/10.
I know we are all accustomed to end credit scenes, but don’t stick around waiting for one because this movie doesn’t have any.